The Pink Pen Papers
Think in Hot Pink

What Lit?

Tuesday, October 04, 2005
So, I found this kinda interesting. On her blog a few days ago, Michelle Rowen confessed that she'd never read a "chick lit". Only, I just finished reading an ARC of her first novel Bitten & Smitten, which, while very much a paranormal and definitely a comedy, I would also say is a chick lit. (Oh, and I loved it. It was better than cats. I'm going to read it again and again. *grin* Just kidding, i'll write a gushing review later this week...)

So, then, what exactly is a chick lit? I checked and even the Chick Lit Writers of the World don't really define what it is. And it seems "chick lit" has grown now to include Mom lit and Hen lit and all sorts of other lits. So I guess that would make B&S Vamp Lit?

To me, chick lit is a tone. It's usually first person, usually with lots and lots of humour and the story is more about life changing the heroine and less about the romance, although there's usually a pile of romance in there. Definitely more character-driven than plot driven. And it's all about how the heroine tells her story.

But that's just me. Thoughts?
1:12 p.m. :: ::
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