The Girl with Kaleidascope Eyes
You're a bitch. Like the one that's been building all fricken' week wasn't bad enough, you had to give me an occular one not ten minutes after I got to work this morning, turning my eyes into kaleidascopes while dealing with the headache from hell. You couldn't have given it to me before I left for work, so I wouldn't have had to waste the entire day trying to get all the "one last thing" shit that had to be done before I left. Cuz now it's half an hour past go-home time and the 401 is a mess and I can't even get home, so I have to stay here and waste time under these bright lights that are making things worse.
I curse you with a moustache, chin hair and frizzy split ends.
So there.
See how you like it.
Visual migraines are fun. They make me feel like I'm living in a magical world filled with fairy dust.
By Michelle Rowen, at 5:43 p.m.
Or maybe that's just from the crack I've been smoking. -
Well, I confess I was singing Laurie in the sky with di-a-monds for a while there, but it really kinda messes with your head while you're trying to proofread a jewellery catalogue (oooh... the diamonds are so sparkly :) )
By Pink Pen, at 7:34 p.m. -
I used to keep cafergot (sp? its been awhile) in my drawer. It had the effect of making me throw up sooner which would get me sent home faster. But usually after I throw up twice (anything in my stomach or not) I'm halfway to doing better so after a short nap when I got home I was good to go.
By Alphabeter, at 12:29 a.m.
This was good for the crappy job, not so good for school finals!
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