The Pink Pen Papers
Think in Hot Pink

The Frizz is Gone

Tuesday, May 24, 2005
I'm a frizz ball. Always have been, probably always will be.

If I had a dollar for every time someone told me how much they wished they had curly hair and inside I screamed "No you don't! Run screaming at the thought!!!", well, I'd be richer than Bill Gates.

Every hairstylist I've ever had has run screaming at the thought of cutting my hair, because they flat out had no idea how to do it. I've tried recommendations from friends... "I'll just straighten it out and then cut it. Then hopefully it will look good when it's curly", "No, you need to blow dry your hair. I don't have a diffuser, this'll work." I've even tried finding the stylist from magazine makeovers on other women with curly hair. "Oh, I don't remember how I did that. I'll just cut it this way" Nothing has worked. My hair still is a mass of frizz, and most of the time I look like my head is a triangle. And the billions of magazine articles I've read telling you "how to control your curl" yeah right, what a load of crap.

Then I was at a grand opening for one of our new stores and one of our vendors had great hair, curly and well-defined and, just nice. So I mustered up the nerve and asked who does her hair. This guy, apparently, is the god of curly hair. He was leaving his current salon, and starting a new one... the Curly Hair Institute. !!! Well, heck, it's in the name, they have to know what they're doing there, right?

Then that little voice started. It's not going to work. Nothing is going to take away the frizz. You're gonna look like that for the rest of your life.

But I got fed up. My hair looked like crap 99% of the time and I had to do something. So I tried the salon.

Holy crap, they knew what to do! It's been almost a week, and I have no frizz. I have cute little bouncy curls that nicely frame my face. I don't have a big triangle of messy, ugly, straw-like hair sticking out of my head. And even better, my stylist, Hewitt, took time to show me what to do when I got home. This is how you do it if you want to blow dry, and if you want to air dry, which is better for curly hair, then you need to do this... And it's worked!! I've never been able to get my hair to look like it does after a cut... until now.

They told me I'd say this, and I didn't believe it, but Thank God for the Curl Keeper!
7:24 p.m. :: ::
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