The Pink Pen Papers
Think in Hot Pink

RWA and Local and Online Chapters, Oh My!

Thursday, May 26, 2005
I left my local chapter this year. I don't really regret the decision, because, even though I was the President of the chapter, I found I wasn't really getting anything out of it.

A lot of it was people-related, see my earlier post on former critique group, who took over the board, and quite frankly behaved more like they were still in junior high than adults in a professional organization. For example, at the end of the year, they went out of their way to make sure that the woman who hijacked our new member packages and disappeared for over 9 months was there to receive an expensive thank you gift basket, but after three years on the board, two as president, I didn't even warrant any sort of acknowledgement. The thing is, I really didn't want or care about getting an expensive gift basket, but a smile and a "hey, thanks" for giving up three years of my life for this group would have really been appreciated...

And, I always thought chapters were all about networking and making friends and all that, and I spent most of the meetings sitting by myself being ignored. And I know that a lot of it is my own insecurity and shyness about approaching people (probably from being shit on like that so many times), but if all I'm there for is to deal with unneccessary political crap and to listen to speakers talk about the SAME stuff over and over again, what's the point?

The thing is, I want a chapter where I can get that stuff... the making friends, the sharing of passions (authors, writing styles, etc, etc,), the useful networking and learning new stuff. And I don't know if another chapter is going to give me that. I don't even really know where to look. The local chapter encompasses almost all of southern Ontario, and the thought of heading all the way out to the nearest city with a chapter (easy a 5-hour drive) just doesn't really do it for me.

So I've been thinking of starting a new chapter... an online one, specifically for Erotic Romance writers. (or Romantica, Erotica, Amourtica (!!??) or whatever those crazy kids are calling it these days). And I have absolutely no idea how to get started. I mean, seriously, I'm the girl that can't even get anybody to come to her housewarming party. What sort of chance do I have getting people excited about the idea of joining me to form an RWA chapter? And after what I went through over the past couple of years (false accusations, power trips, disrespect, etc.), why in God's name would I even want to take on the responsibility?

But I guess I'm willing ot put myself out there... for the greater good, or I guess the greater good for me, and see if there's interest. Because I kinda miss it.
10:14 a.m. :: ::
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