The Pink Pen Papers
Think in Hot Pink

I'm a Maniac on the Keyboard

Tuesday, August 02, 2005
I think I may have too many projects on the go. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing in terms of building my writing career and getting some practice in improving my writing, but the problem is I'm really good at starting something, but not so good at finishing it.

Take Dangerous Love. I started that in a writing class I took in 2002. I got about 70 pages in and just stopped. I think a lot of it was working with the Ex-Critique Group and I took too many of their suggestions and the book changed and metamorphed into something completely different than what I had intended in the first place and I didn't know what to do with it. One day I'll likely go back and start again, because I really liked the characters, but for no, I just can't seem to bring myself to work on it.

Now Losin' It is a story that's been infiltrating my brain for way too many years. Since before I joined the chapter that can't be named. I finally got around to starting it maybe six months ago, and I got half way through the first sex scene and lost my momentum. I know what's coming next, I've plotted out the whole story, and yet, I can't seem to write any more of it. And yet I was hoping to enter it in the Blaze writing contest....

Gone Shopping, honestly, I forgot I'd started it. I'd intended for it to be a short story for a Black Lace anthology and I just got sidetracked.

Now, none of this is unusual, I'm a great idea person, but not so great at follow through in many other areas of my life too. Only, take a look at About Last Night... I plotted that story out about a month ago, and then I went on a writing frenzy and wrote the whole thing in a weekend...

And now, I've been inspired, and I started The Prada Bag Princess, which I'm targetting at Whiskey Creek Press Torrid's Twisted Tales. It was the oddest thing. The idea and most of the story just popped into my head this morning and the pieces just started clicking together... I'm really excited about it. I hope I can keep up the momentum. Stay tuned...
3:51 p.m. :: ::
  • Oh. I just posted this on your other blog. Thought you'd given this one up... :-)

    "Happened to mention your name in passing to some TRW members while in Reno. I got an interesting response. Soap opera, much? LOL. ;-)"

    Michelle R.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:32 p.m.  
  • No, I thought about splitting my thoughts, but the other one is too much trouble to keep up and it keeps deleting half of my posts, so I'm going to be trashing that one....

    Interesting about the in passing comments. I have a pretty darn good idea about who you spoke to (I read your blog too *grin* ), but not really sure what you could have heard from a group of people who started pretending I didn't exist more than a year and a half ago...

    Do tell... (and feel free to do it more privately ;) )

    By Blogger Pink Pen, at 1:55 p.m.  
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