The Pink Pen Papers
Think in Hot Pink

I don't want to go off on a rant, but...

Monday, July 11, 2005
But if you are "Six New York Times Best-Selling Authors" and you're promoting your blog in a magazine that goes all over the world (Romance Writers' Report) you might want to do a spell check before you send the ad in.

A simple read through and a quick visit to IMDB would have caught and fixed the misspelling of Russell Crowe, which is spelled with an E and Daily, which is spelled with only one L.

And they even talk about Too Stupid To Live Heroines. Um. Yeah.
6:33 p.m. :: ::
  • Yeah, I noticed that too. :-| I thought maybe the Russell "Crow" was on purpose because they're "Squawk" radio, but that was probably just wishful thinking.

    Also, they can afford a full page ad, but they can't spring for their own webspace?

    Very odd indeed.

    By Blogger Michelle Rowen, at 4:43 p.m.  
  • Beneath is a copy of the letter we received in response to our inquiries as to how the Squawk Ad in RWR got so messed up.

    >>Dear ELoisa,

    I am so embarrassed by this oversight! To give you some insight on how this mistake occurred, when the RWR designer was placing the ads near press time, she informed me that the original Squawk Radio ad was a low resolution copy and would print out very pixilated and grainy. Since I knew Connie was in
    Greece and probably couldn't fix the ad before the RWR went to press, I asked the RWR designer if she could recreate or fix the ad. I honestly thought she was just going to copy and paste things or fiddle with the original to make it clear. To be fair to the designer, she did show me a copy of the ad when she was finished with it, but I just glanced at it to make sure it didn't look pixilated. I didn't even think to check the text. I am so sorry! I should have informed Christina of the problem with the ad right away and let you all make the decision on what to do, or--at the least--have Christina proof the ad before the RWR went to press.

    I cannot tell you how embarrassed and sorry I am about this mistake. In trying to be helpful, I screwed things up, and I cannot apologize enough for that.<<

    Using the age-old refrain of the kids next door,"It's not our fault!" So cut us a little slack, okay?

    As for our cheesy site -- ah, well, the fact is we sorta *like* it cheesy :)

    Connie Brockway

    By Blogger Connie Brockway, at 11:30 a.m.  
  • I don't remember calling the site cheesy, and I don't believe Michelle did either...

    My point was more an emphasis on my previous post of the downfall of good grammar and spelling...

    That the designer came in and rewrote your original ad, just adds fuel to my fire... I go through that every day at work when our designers rewrite my copy and use incorrect spelling and grammar. Drives me right up a wall.

    By Blogger Pink Pen, at 4:56 p.m.  
  • See? I knew I should never comment unfavorably under my actual name. The web is a very small world.

    C'est la vie!

    By Blogger Michelle Rowen, at 12:15 p.m.  
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