The Pink Pen Papers
Think in Hot Pink

Blog Reading

Sunday, September 11, 2005
I spent most of the day feeling crappy from Kaboom, so I really did end up spending most of the day on my computer. I didn't mean to be, but I found myself caught up in someone's blog. This woman just found out she's pregnant with her married lover's baby, and I just got sucked in to her world of how and why this happened and what's been happening since it started...

And it seems that she's had a lot of comments on her blog from people judging her decisions and saying rude and cruel things. First, I'm not sure I understand people who will read a blog, which in its essence is someone's personal thoughts, and, once they disagree/dislike what they read, not only keep reading, but have the nerve to condemn the writer for being themselves...

And, while I don't think that infidelity is right, and I certainly wouldn't stand for it from Mr. Pink (or vice versa), what's right for me isn't necessarily right for anyone else, and I would never dream of writing nasty comments on somoene else's blog trying to force my beliefs on them.

But beyond the subject matter, this blogger was really well-written and quite captivating, and i confess that I've been sitting here for several hours reading about her life.

And that's what I want for me... not necessarily this blog (although it would be kinda cool to build up a worldwide blogaudience :) ) but my writing in general.
Right now, the most gripping thing I'm writing is that the store I work for is having a clearance on our athletic shoes in October. They're gonna be really cheap.

I need to get my creativity back. My motivation to write. I think about my stories, my characters, what I want to say and my dreams about being published, but when it comes to sitting down and typing, my mind goes blank.

I wish I knew how to fix that.
8:56 p.m. :: ::
  • My only advice for you to fix that...is to write anyway! Just do it, even if it's all shit coming out, get it down. You can edit it later, get feedback on it from others to help you improve it, but if your true desire is to write, then that is what you MUST DO!

    By Blogger Vivi Anna, at 3:34 p.m.  
  • *sigh* Easier said than done, Vivi. I spent the entire day today staring at a blank screen. I think I may have written three sentences. (and three paragraphs about how crappy I felt and that this wasn't working. *grin* )

    By Blogger Pink Pen, at 7:20 p.m.  
  • I read her blog too, and I must admit, I was fascinated by her. She's extremely articulate, and I could have spent the next hour going through her archives.

    By Blogger Karen Scott, at 6:41 p.m.  
  • I know, Karen, you wouldn't think you would be, because this guy Steve is really treating her like crap, but, youjust get sucked in and you can't stop reading... This is definitely someone who needs to turn this into a book...

    By Blogger Pink Pen, at 7:59 p.m.  
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