The Pink Pen Papers
Think in Hot Pink

It's Bonus time

Thursday, November 10, 2005
I know last week's Half-Nekkid Hot Guy Thursday was kind of a letdown, what with the repeat, so this week I've got a couple of pictures.

First, Christian Bale, who's been a favourite since Newsies. Christian, you can sing and dance cheesy musicals all you like, so long as you look like this while you're doing it:

Then, in another repeat, but for a reason this time, you'll remember Paul Walker from a few weeks ago:

Well, I found this picture from that day I met him. I think this is the summer of 1993...

Mr. Pink thinks I haven't changed a bit. I think he's still love blind. *grin*
11:28 a.m. :: ::
  • The Newsies is the BEST MOVIE EVER! Open the gate and seize the day, don't be afraid and don't delay....ooh, I'll be humming that all evening now. Did you know that the one with the eyepatch went on to become Trey from that mid-90s band EYC?

    Oh, I've just totally embarassed myself.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:06 p.m.  
  • Heh, that's ok, I do it all the time :)
    I always got a kick out of the fact that Spot Conlon looked EXACTLY like a guy I used to date. (it wasn't him tho.) And no, I didn't know about Trey and EYC... cool info :)

    By Blogger Pink Pen, at 11:59 p.m.  
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