The Pink Pen Papers
Think in Hot Pink

Some things just aren't meant to be half-nekkid

Thursday, December 15, 2005
Ok, so I finally saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire this weekend. I was okay with it. I find that what bothers me so much about the movies is that so much of the essence of their world is left out. For example, I don't really think the fear the Wizarding community has of the name Voldemort is really ever portrayed, leaving people who haven't read the books confused by who this YouKnowWho (and NOT HeWhoMustNotBeNamed grrr...) is. And with this movie, there were no HouseElves, no SPEW, and they might as well have just slapped a big sticker on TheBadGuy right in the opening scene that said "I'm the bad guy". So much for the mystery.

So for today's half-nekkid hot guy, I thought I'd do a little Daniel Radcliffe, but then I came across this picture, and well, he's sixteen, and there's something just wrong about posting a nekkid picture of him here. If you really want to see it, you can check it out here. Edited to add: Don't say I didn't warn you :)
So, here's Sean Biggerstaff, who a) played Oliver Wood in the first two HP movies , b) is a cutie and c) is legal.

10:46 a.m. :: ::
  • Yeah, I felt much that way too :) Not that he's not attractive or anything, but he's a baby... *cough* half my age. I know I've hit the boytoys are yummy stage in my life, but that's a little too much boy and not enough toy :)

    By Blogger Pink Pen, at 12:37 p.m.  
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