Editing Hell
Monday, February 27, 2006
Argh. I'm stuck in editing hell... I've had this book on my to-do list for waaaayyyyy too long. It's late. Very, very late. And I just can't get through it. It's soooooo s-l-o-o-o-o-w. All tell-ing and full of extraneous information.I don't want to trash my authors or anything, but dayum... this book is killing me.
So, I'm trying not to let myself play (blog, surf, read, watch tv) until I get this thing finished. I'm not even halfway done. *sigh*
In the meantime, go check out my renter, Izzy over at Moonshine. She's another great read. Just don't forget to come back *grin*
And if you want a good laugh, google March 20th. Mr. Pink is so darn excited he's got the date circled on the calendar... *grin*