The Pink Pen Papers
Think in Hot Pink

Editing Hell

Monday, February 27, 2006
Argh. I'm stuck in editing hell... I've had this book on my to-do list for waaaayyyyy too long. It's late. Very, very late. And I just can't get through it. It's soooooo s-l-o-o-o-o-w. All tell-ing and full of extraneous information.

I don't want to trash my authors or anything, but dayum... this book is killing me.

So, I'm trying not to let myself play (blog, surf, read, watch tv) until I get this thing finished. I'm not even halfway done. *sigh*

In the meantime, go check out my renter, Izzy over at Moonshine. She's another great read. Just don't forget to come back *grin*

And if you want a good laugh, google March 20th. Mr. Pink is so darn excited he's got the date circled on the calendar... *grin*
8:22 p.m. :: ::
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