Up to my eyeballs in crap
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Oy. I slacked off a little too badly over the holidays and now I'm playing serious catch up. That's the big problem with working at home... Sit and work on a project that's not due til Jan. 6th or tackle the decorating, cleaning, cooking, sleeping that needs to be done. Guess what I chose.I did actually get quite a bit finished:
1. Flyer copy for store I used to work for
2. Re-do of line edits for In His Brother's Place, which will be available from WCPT in February. It's an erotic contemporary romance by Stephanie Saint. Be sure to check it out.
3. Worked on edits for erotic twisted tale. Fleshed out areas that need to be addressed in revision letter.
4. Completed rewrite on first half of About Last Night... I'm really liking where it's going. I've really been concentrating on my character development and I'm finding it makes such a difference with the story. I can't believe I didn't know that Seth screwed GothGirl against Abby's ottoman as a passive aggressive way of ending the relationship. Seth really is taking this whole passive thing a little too seriously. I'm the writer. I need to know this stuff!! I haven't gotten to the sex scenes yet, which I know is going to take the most amount of work (as in, right now it's 'sweet' (they head to the bedroom and close the door) and I'm planning on making it hootttt (we follow them into the bedroom :) ) I'm looking forward to it. :)
I did not have a chance to work on the contemp. romance I'm editing, which I really need to get on. I have a feeling that's going to be my project for the plane ride on Sunday. I really hope Air Canada has more leg room than CanJet. We flew them in the summer and I didn't even have room to open a book on my lap, let alone a laptop.
And the 512-page User Manual I'm still working on is taking a looooonnngg time. The thing is, it's really well written. The author has obeyed all the rules in our style guide, except one, and her grammar is quite decent. I'm very impressed. I just feel like I'm missing stuff, because I have hardly any comments. It's like I'm not doing my job right...
That being said, I really do have plans for my New Year's Goals and such, but I just have too much to do to think about them this week, and being gone next week and at the mercy of other people's timelines and restaurant choices :), I've decided to make January 16th my New Year's Day. That's when I'm going to really get started...
For now, I'd better get back to the user manual :)