Read a good book lately?
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Ok, so I was in *store I work for* today, looking at their not so extensive book selection and I couldn't find ANYTHING that piqued my interest. I haven't actually seen anything I want to read in a while. I need something to read. I don't think I've gone this long without new reading material in, well, ever.
So, thanks to a few people who've linked here from their blogs (Hi Michelle!), I've had a few visitors. So I'm open to suggestions. I like chick-lit (think Kathleen O'Reilly or Marianne Mancusi), paranormal (Laurell K. Hamilton, Kelley Armstrong), sexy (Allison Kent, Erin McCarthy), a good romantic suspense (Tami Hoag) or funny (Jenny Cruise, Stephanie Bond). What's a good book to read?
Thanks :)
Yeah, I'm a dork
So I busted my butt, and got my first chapter of
Losin' It polished and outta here. It hit the post office in
just enough time to meet the deadline. Tho, as I drove past the Harlequin offices, as I do every single day, I thought about stopping in and just dropping it off. Which probably would have worked if the offices were still open, but at that hour, the only people there would have been the night proofreaders, and I didn't think they'd be too receptive to taking my entry. So into Canada Post's hands I've put my trust. It better get there this time.
I'm a little iffy on my synopsis though, I think it's pretty light and I'm not sure how well "and then they indulged in a lot of her fantasies" is going to go over.
The good thing is, I'd been a little waffly about my plot line and was pretty much "pantsing" it (i.e. writing from the seat of my pants) Now that I've finished a very light synopsis, I at least have some direction to take the story.
I do, however, have to make sure I don't do what I did last time, which was to enter a contest with only two chapters written, wait until I became a finalist, wait through the voting period, wait past the time the editor called and asked to see the darn manuscript and then two months later, finally get around to writing the damn thing. The winners will be announced on October 15th. I will have the ms more than half done. Yes. I will.
So, that's three things out in the publishing universe.
Caught is still sitting at Brava, having "gone astray" for six months.
About Last Night is at Downtown Press, awaiting contest decisions, which should also come down around mid-October. and now
Losin' it. Not bad when you consider that a year ago I hadn't even finished anything let alone sent it out into the world all grown up. Yay me.
But this waiting thing? Totally killing me.
When it's time to change...
Heh... flashbacks of Peter Brady and his ear-bleeding song about his voice changing much? *grin*
And here I thought I'd already gone through that in high shool when I went from a Soprano to a Mezzo Soprano. But the reality is, my voice keeps changing. In
Losin' It, which I'd started as a Brava, but I'm contemplating sending to the Harlequin Blaze contest cuz it's more of a category than a single title, I really like my voice for the "in the heroine's head" bits. It's fun, it's snarky, it's interesting to read.
But as soon as I get to a sex scene, BAM, a whole other voice. And I don't even like that voice. It's bland. It's boring. It's not even that sexy. (Think insert tab A into slot B). Worse, it completely fucks with the flow of the book. And since the first sex scene comes really, really early (i.e. halfway through chapter 1), and sex is prevalent through the whole book, (what with the whole erotic romance thing) that's not acceptable. To quote my soon-to-be-mother-in-law. I can't live like dat, b'y. (Newfie accent and all...)
Problem is. I have absolutely no idea how to fix it. Worse, the contest deadline is today.
Stupid procrastinating leave it to the last minute Pink.
I think I may have to wait til the next contest.
What to do, what to do
Monday, August 29, 2005
There's nothing on TV and I'm out of books to read.
I don't know what to do with myself tonight.
Clean out the mess that is my office
Clean the bathrooms
Prepare for the job interview I have tomorrow
Cut up fruits and veggies for the week
WRITE... hint hint.
Eat a healthy dinner
So why don't I feel like doing anything but sitting here staring at the walls?
Thursday, August 25, 2005
I'm seriously procrastinating today. I'm supposed to be writing articles for our employee newsletter and I just can't bring myself to do it. I get all the cheesy employee submission articles...
"Joe Shmo from store 12345 in Podunk, AB rescued a sleeping baby from a locked car in the middle of a heat wave. Wow! Go Joe."
yes, thanks Joe for not standing idly by while a child suffocated to death. Way to go for not being an asshole."Freda Babeda from store 98765 in Stuck Up, ON smiled and said thank you when I was in the store today. Now *that's* customer service."
yes, i can see how common courtesy is so rare these days that a smile and "thank you" is worthy of celebrating.And on it goes. My favourites are the ones celebrating a person who stepped in because a co-worker was being a jackass. Yes, let's commend Joe for opening up the flyer and pointing out to Freda that toilet paper is on sale for 5.93 today after Freda started a pissy fit with the customer while a big line waited for her! Woohoo!
Maybe if we raised our standards just a wee little bit people might not hate us as much as they do. And it would be really nice if I had an interesting article to write once in a while. Do you think anyone would notice if I excerpted part of the erotic romance story I'm working on in there? *grin* Now
that would get my butt in gear.
Promises, promises
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Every morning I get into work and read the free daily papers while I eat my breakfast.
24 hours is pretty content light and full of ads, but hey, it's better than staring at the grey cubicle walls while I eat my chocolate chip muffin, er, I mean fruit and fat-free yogourt. *grin*
Only today I came across an article, complete with the 24 hours news service byline talking about this woman who decided she wanted to start a writing career, took a distance learning course from a school and now she's a multi-published author. RIGHT NEXT to this article, is an ad for the school she went to with a guarantee that pretty much shocked the shit right out of me. This writing school
guarantees that
every student will earn more than the cost of the tuition by publishing their work BEFORE HE OR SHE GRADUATES, or the school will refund their money. They have six "streams" - romance, business, children, family/memoirs, novel and creative writing. Now, I'm pretty early into my foray at getting published in romance, and I'm still sitting here waiting to hear back about my
requested material that's been sitting at a certain publisher since February, but I've got a pretty good idea about how fickle and unpredictable the publishing industry is.
So please tell me how this school can promise that they will teach you how to write and get you published as quickly as they do and for only $779?
The thing that really pisses me off, is this article is blatantly an advertorial. As in, a paid-for by the school article to promote the school. Only no where on the page does it tell the reader that that's what it is. Leaving the unsuspecting reader hoping for a quick fix to their money woes thinking that this is the answer to their dreams.
I can't believe anyone can guarantee publication without seeing your work. I can't believe that anyone other than an actual publisher can guarantee publication until after they've seen your work. And I can't believe how many people are going to be suckered into this promise, and will then clutter up the already full publishing houses with work that isn't even close to snuff.
(And I say that having worked as the "Slush Queen" for one of the biggies. You'd be amazed how many people haven't even read a single thing published by the company, or gotten a feel for what they're looking for.)
I'm not gonna post the company name or website, so as not to give credence to their bullshit (but if you really, really want it, email me and I'll tell you...)
But wow. people never cease to amaze me.
Happily Ever After?
Saturday, August 20, 2005
There's been a lot of debate lately in the romance writing blog world about what exactly constitutes a Happily Ever After (HEA)... is it, like in the case of most romance novels, that HEA is that the girl gets the guy, the ring, the 2.4 kids and the chocolate lab; or like in
The Notebook, where the end comes when the hero and heroine die together in each other's arms?
I just watched a movie I was fully prepared to hate...
Little Black Book. It's Saturday, Mr. Pink's not here, so it's my time to watch girly movies he hates. (It's ok, he's watching war movies I hate :) ) So, I put this on, thinking it's gonna be a piece of crap with some Too Stupid to Live heroine who brings chaos on herself, but still gets the guy in the end.
Only, she doesn't. She gets the dream job. She gets to meet the singer who defined her entire life. But no guy. So was that HEA? I think so... Did she get the guy and the ring, no, but at the end she's happy. She's gotten what she'd craved all her life. And her life is more than just about "getting the guy".
And you know what? I like that more than if she'd gotten the guy. THe guy, seriously, was an ass. He deserved what he got just for being an ass. (Unfortunately,
he got the girl, just not the heroine. Some other girl. But the girl who he was meant to be with.) So by romance standards, the hero got the HEA, the heroine got the HEA, they just didn't get it together. And if they had gotten it together? I would have hated the movie. Only, now, I'm impressed. It was a twist I wasn't expecting in what I thought was going to be trite and cliche. Good for
Little Black Book.
So I think HEA is ending with happy. Your definition of happy, whatever that is... The dream job, meeting Carly Simon, getting the guy, getting both guys, getting the Ancient Vampire Werewolf Wizard, finding yourself or whatever.
And no one has the right to tell you what you can and can't want as your HEA. So long as it's yours.
Ok, I've read a few of Mrs. Giggles reviews, but I haven't paid as much attention to her blog as apparently I should. She has this
awesome rant on erotic romance that must be read. I agree wholeheartedly with all that she's said, me with me not-quite-thirty-year-old virgin heroine, although she does take action and after reading that I think I may know what's bugging me about the scene I'm stuck on... She's not participating enough... Thanks Mrs. G! :)
The new diet sensation
Thursday, August 18, 2005
I'm a fat chick.
Yeah, I am. and I've tried all of the diets. Zone, Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, 3-day diet, Carb addict, GI diet, you name it, I've tried it. and the same 20 lbs goes away and comes back and usually with friends.
So I've decided to give it all up and create my own diet.
The Stop Eating Fries and Gravy For Lunch You Fat Cow diet. And the While You're At It, the Chocolate Bar a Day Snack Isn't Helping Either diet.
Because really, our cafeteria's fries, not that good. Ok, the gravy is, but the fries are either burnt or soggy. So why am I wasting all of those yummy calories on not that good food? It's just not worth it.
Who knows, maybe this one I can stick to :)
Today was... odd.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
So, I had a really odd day...
Last night, I was job searching and came across a copywriter position at an agency. Saved it to my "potential jobs" folder, checked out their website and hadn't decided whether to apply or not... (scary that
mapquest has such a big part of my job application decisions *grin*
Anyway, today, I had a call from the agency's HR department. They came across my resume on
Workopolis and were interested in me.
Odder.... turns out their biggest client is a competitor store, who, actually called me out of the blue a few weeks ago to talk about a copywriter job THEY had open. (It was contract, so I said no.) Even odder... I worked for this store most of the way through high school.
THEN, I ended up on the radio!! Yup, if you were listening to Mix 99.9 at 5:25, that was me badly playing quizology. My cell crapped out and I couldn't hear any of the questions to answer. Which sucks, cuz I totally wanted to knock that champion out... Sigh. maybe next time :)
And if anyone can tell me how to change the comments tag so that it says something other than "comments", I'd appreciate it... I just seem to be making a mess.
Hey! I figured it out. I am so smart. S-M-R-T, uh, I mean S-M-A-R-T. *grin*
Office Politics Suck
Someone complained because I took work home the week before I went on vacation and worked like almost 2 days worth of OT so no one would be left with my crap while I was gone.
Someone complained because I catch their mistakes and I'm "always right". Umm. that's my job.
Someone complained because I was sitting in a chair eating my lunch and minding my own business and I wouldn't get up and move so she could sit there.
I've decided that's more than enough. I'm sick of whining about work. I'm sick of being upset about it when I get home. I'm sick of it upsetting me. I'm sick of reading about it in my blog that's supposed to be about my writing. So again, ENOUGH. (Though, I'm also sick of people whining about stuff that really is kinda ridiculous.)
Let's talk about something interesting.
Rock Star INXS. Seriously, after last night, they really should have just sent every one else home and just given the job to MiG. I've said all along that he's going to win. 1. He's a fellow Aussie. 2. He has mad sex appeal. (And ooo-eee what a body! mmm-mm. 3. Boy can SANG. Don't believe me? Check out his oohh baby I love your way
And really, people aren't gonna forget Michael Hutchence. People aren't gonna forget MH's vibe (he, too, was pretty sexy... didn't we all get the shivers when he told us to "Slide over here and give me a moment..."? And people are gonna want the MH replacement to be just like MH. Much though I like the whole woman power thang, I just can't buy a female lead for the band. Sorry.
And let's look at the guys that are left:
JD and his whiny-ass ego. Oh. you won't do it my way. Well, I'm gonna take my ball and go home. And then I'm gonna get my big brother to beat you up. waaah.
Ty and his mohawk and freaky tongue that scares the crap out of the band. 'nuff said.
Marty. I can't read Marty. Yes, he has talent. Yes, I think he's gonna be big. I just don't think he's gonna be with INXS.
That leaves us with MiG. who, is such a little smushy if you're watching the elimination show right now... awwww.
And, because I love me the musical talent reality shows. Canadian Idol. I'm glad our fellow Newf, Rex, was safe. (Ok, I'm just an adopted Newf, but still...) I was, however, shocked to see Josh go before Aaron and especially Casey. Sure, she's a pretty pink princess, and people love the pretty pink princesses, but she's just not that good a singer, and she really doesn't have any charisma...
I've always been curious though... why don't they tell us who got the most votes each week? That would definitely give us a better idea of who's got a chance of winning and, if we don't like that, a chance to change that. I know in the first season I voted my ass off, not because I was big on who I was voting for, but to keep Gary Beals from winning. Cuz he sucked.
I can't say I have a clear favourite for CI though. If I had to pick today, it would be a three way tie between Rex, Suzy and Melissa, and depending on the week, each takes the lead.... It's gonna be an interesting top 3 though when we get there...
So, cuz I'm on a whole pile of tangents today... I started a second blog over at msn spaces. mostly cuz i really liked the template I picked (it was pink! :) ) but also to keep my other crap out of my writing blog. But then they cut off my posts and deleted half of what I wrote. And I can never remember to update that blog and this one, so I'm deleting the other one and keeping it all here. Don't like it? Well.. too bad. it's my blog. Really don't like it? Go whine to BossLady. Everyone else does. *GriN*
Personality, or a load of crap?
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
P | Peaceful |
I | Intense |
N | Natural |
K | Kinky |
P | Proud |
E | Excellent |
N | Neat |
Name Acronym GeneratorFrom
Go-Quiz.comI dunno about this one... it says that this is a pretty good insight into your personality, but this, not so much mine as someone else's...
C'mon Sidebar!
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Ok. Seriously annoyed with the sidebar that's moved all the way to the bottom of my page. Blogger says it's either a long link in the sidebar or the main text. So I'm trying to get the long links out of the sidebar. Let's see if it works.
Neverending story
So in an update of the a**hole coworker...
1. Not only did he rewrite my active work, he actually went into my pending files, and changed all of that too. (Ummm.. what a jerk!)
2. I complained HIGH. Went to BossLady with proof and tons of back up. Told her I considered this harassment. This went to HR, where they decided it wasn't sexual so it wasn't harassment (ok, when does making life crap for someone not equal harassment?) BossLady is pissed at the cost of his changes and the fact that many were incorrect... He's being "spoken to." which means, a whole lotta nothing... but now he's gonna make my life an even bigger living hell. And the audacity and rudeness of his actions towards me? completely ignored.
I gotta get outta there.
On a positive note, for the first weekend in I don't know how many months, Mr. Pink actually felt well. Er, more than well. like a 16-year old (and all that entails *wink*) We had a big reconnect, and had much fun, despite the migraine I was suffering from for most of it. He also kept grabbing my ring finger and going hint hint.. He's a dork *grin* but I love him. And to be honest, I'm getting a little sick of the pitying looks from people at work (and the not so subtle hints from my mom). We need to get him better and back to work before we worry about marriage and all that crap. I totally understand this, but no one else seems to want to.
And since I have the "no ring, no knocking me up" rule, that means no starting a family either, which I'm kinda wanting soon...
But needless to say, didn't get any writing done. Oh well. I write better when I'm at work and without anything to do, which it's looking like is going to be most of my week *Grin*
When you're bored...
Saturday, August 06, 2005

Wow, so I have wasted the whole entire day surfing the web. I've downloaded a couple of memes (and found out what the heck they are :) ) and I very much enjoy this one. I may print it out and put it up so it's facing A**hole coworker.
I've read piles of other people's blogs, found some new and exciting people to read and I've decided that I want to learn how to redesign The Pink Pen Papers. I just have absolutely no idea how to do that :)
But my best, my absolute best find of the day is
this. Don't tell Mr. Pink, but I totally want to try this. Hee.
So I've downloaded a trial of Dreamweaver MX and I'm off to try my hand at redesign. Anything to keep my mind off work.
Hey! Come back!
Can anyone tell me why my sidebar moved all the way to the bottom of my blog? You can't see it anymore.
Get back, get back, get back to where you once belonged...
I'd rather be an underarm sniffer
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Have you ever seen that picture with the women who are testing deodorant by sniffing these sweaty guys underarms and the caption is, and you think your job sucks. At this point, I'd rather be one of those women than in my job.
Yes, in the never ending saga of Pink Pen's crappy job working for the store everyone hates (and I'm beginning to see why...), today, I almost told them to shove it and walked right out. While I was on vacation, one of my fellow copywriters felt the need to rewrite and reformat all of my about to be signed off flyers. Worse, he "corrected" it by making it full of spelling and grammatical mistakes.
Now, I'm assuming most of the people who read this, if there is anyone who reads this, can relate. For those who think that's not a big deal, well, a) you haven't been reading and noticed my total control freak anal-ness when it comes to proper grammar and spelling (and yes, there are spelling mistakes in my blog. It's freewriting and I need to practice that. Get over it.) and b) have never had one of your co-workers crap all over your work simply out of spite. And that's what it was. I've corrected his work (quietly and in private) and he's been pissy ever since I started.(for example:
PinkPen: "you spelled this word wrong every time you've used it, and you haven't spelled it the same each time.... you might want to fix that..."
A**hole co-worker: "How do you know?" complete with dirty looks.
PinkPen: "Umm, I looked it up in the dictionary. (DUH...) And every other store and website that sells that particular product spells it the right way..."
A**hole co-worker: "whatever" (turns back on PinkPen and refuses to fix it... thus putting out a flyer with "megapixel" spelled incorrectly and inconsistently in the same damn flyer..)
edited to add that this wasn't an unsolicited commentary... this conversation came after he asked me to proofread his work.Now the thing is, this isn't the first time people have fucked with my work and it's been ok. And that, really, is where I have a problem. I could understand correcting me if I've made a mistake. I welcome constructive criticism. But to purposely screw with my work because you're lazy or on an ego trip or to fuck me over, well... that's a whole other story. And to screw with someone's work WITHOUT talking to them about it? Not acceptable. And for the higher ups to let it go because they don't want to make waves? Yeah. Even worse.
Overreacting? me? Yeah, maybe. But let me ask you this... You go in for surgery, the one where you're awake during, and just as the doctor's about to sew you up, some guy you've never seen before, dressed like a doctor, comes in and says, yeah, you didn't do this right. I'll fix it. And starts messing with your incision. Not as serious, maybe, but the principle's still the same. Your doc has been embarassed and made to feel like crap and you've lost faith in both.
And I would have quit, because between the commute and this garbage, I've had enough, except, I have a mortgage to pay. And Mr. Pink has been on disability for over a year, where he makes just enough money to pay for his medication. (i.e., no rent, no food, no living expenses, just drugs.) And EI doesn't even cover my car and house payments.
I need to win the lottery.
I'm a Maniac on the Keyboard
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
I think I may have too many projects on the go. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing in terms of building my writing career and getting some practice in improving my writing, but the problem is I'm really good at starting something, but not so good at finishing it.
Dangerous Love. I started that in a writing class I took in 2002. I got about 70 pages in and just stopped. I think a lot of it was working with the Ex-Critique Group and I took too many of their suggestions and the book changed and metamorphed into something completely different than what I had intended in the first place and I didn't know what to do with it. One day I'll likely go back and start again, because I really liked the characters, but for no, I just can't seem to bring myself to work on it.
Losin' It is a story that's been infiltrating my brain for way too many years. Since before I joined the chapter that can't be named. I finally got around to starting it maybe six months ago, and I got half way through the first sex scene and lost my momentum. I know what's coming next, I've plotted out the whole story, and yet, I can't seem to write any more of it. And yet I was hoping to enter it in the Blaze writing contest....
Gone Shopping, honestly, I forgot I'd started it. I'd intended for it to be a short story for a Black Lace anthology and I just got sidetracked.
Now, none of this is unusual, I'm a great idea person, but not so great at follow through in many other areas of my life too. Only, take a look at
About Last Night... I plotted that story out about a month ago, and then I went on a writing frenzy and wrote the whole thing in a weekend...
And now, I've been inspired, and I started
The Prada Bag Princess, which I'm targetting at Whiskey Creek Press Torrid's Twisted Tales. It was the oddest thing. The idea and most of the story just popped into my head this morning and the pieces just started clicking together... I'm really excited about it. I hope I can keep up the momentum. Stay tuned...
Peter Pan ain't got Nothin' on Me.
Monday, August 01, 2005
So after just over two weeks of vacation, I go back to work tomorrow morning. And I've spent the past three days dreading it with every fibre of my being. My eyes are twitching, I'm having trouble breathing, and I have absolutely no energy or motivation to get up off the couch.
I know not everyone loves what they do, and I know that people have a lot worse jobs than I do, and I shouldn't be such a whiner, but I don't think that dreading going to work as badly as I am right now is really a very good thing.
I'm beginning to think that I don't want to do what I do anymore...
And this isn't the first time I've gone through this. Since I was like 8, I wanted to be an actress. Not that I was very good at it or anything. I went to all sorts of auditions and nothing. I even went to one of the top Theatre Schools in the country for University and ended up spending my time there in the production department (backstage). Finally, a few months before graduation, I decided that I couldn't see myself doing this for the rest of my life. So I graduated, found a new passion and went back to school to get trained for my current career.
The thing is, my intention all along was to be an editor for big-name-publisher whose books I read. Problem is, after 8 years of trying, I still can't even get my foot in the door. I think they've gotten to the point where they see my resume and basically throw it straight in the trash. And they're the only publisher of that genre (three guesses which one...) in Canada. And getting a work visa to get a similar job in New York seems sorta unrealistic and unattainable (what with the whole, no one else who's American is qualified enough to justify hiring me rule). So while I waited for my big start at dream company, I kept taking jobs "around" my field. And I hated every one.
And I can't keep waiting for dream company to come around. And I can't keep forcing myself into jobs that I'm not happy in, and that don't really give me any opportunity for growth or advancement.
Only, I don't know what to do next. Okay, lottery win permitting, I'd love to be able to stay home and write full-time. Get published, build a fan base, yadda yadda. But Super 7 hasn't come through and I have a mortgage to pay. So I need to find a new career. And I have no idea what that's going to be.
Holy Crap, I did it.
I can't believe I did it. I finished
About Last Night... for the Downtown Press contest and got it sent in at 11:59 p.m. Exactly on the deadline.
I know I don't have a hope in hell of winning, after all, I wrote most of it in a weekend. But the thing is... it didn't suck. It actually wasn't bad. I'm not sure whether it's Simon & Shuster quality, but I'm pretty proud of myself.
I've noticed such a ginormous improvement in my voice lately, and I kinda like it. I'd always thought my stuff was a little bland, and kinda stilted and that it was missing something. But this was like nothing I'd ever written before.
It was my first foray into first person, which is really hard to write, and something I'd always been hesitant about trying. Mostly because I had a conversation once with a HQ editor, who was 100% against it for any author, and at the time, I'd taken most of what I'd been told as gospel. But it actually worked for me. My sex scene was a little, well, sweet compared to what I usually write, but I think it worked for the story.
Yay me.
That's all that matters.